A robust Packet Link Layer should allow the developer to specify the amount of time spent retrying as well as the number of retries to send. 一个鲁棒的数据包链路层应该允许开发者自己来定义重传时间和重传次数。
Since packet encryption does not depend on link synchronization, secure access points can operate at different speeds. 因为包加密不依赖于链路同步性,故安全进入点可以不同的速度工作。
The Technique of Multicarrier Based on Wavelet Packet Used in Tactical Data Link; 战术数据链中基于小波包的多载波技术环糊精包容的络合物作为药物载体。
I've seen remote villages in the Solomon Islands with a packet radio link to another island for their internet access. 我曾经见识过所罗门群岛的村庄通过无线数据连接到另一个岛来进行互联网访问。
MPLS combines network layer packet forwarding with link layer frame switching for L3 packet relaying. This technology not only greatly improves the packet forwarding capability in intermediate systems, but also enhances the network layer routing system's scalability. MPLS技术将网络层分组的网络层转发和链路层交换相结合,不仅有助于提高中继系统的分组转发能力,而且可以对提高网络路由系统的可扩展性起到一定的作用。
The algorithm can also deal with packet routing issues in case of link congestion or satellite failure. 另外,该算法还针对可能发生的链路拥塞和卫星失效情况提供了保证数据报正常传输的处理方法。
First Packet Queuing Phenomena After the Bottleneck Link in the Packet Pair Algorithm 首次从I.包对算法中的首包瓶颈链路后续排队现象
As a classical active queue management algorithm, BLUE is distinctly different from other methods. It uses packet loss and link idle events to manage congestion. 作为一种典型的主动队列管理算法,BLUE明显不同于其它方法,它使用丢包和连接空闲事件来控制拥塞。
An improved selective acknowledge algorithm ( SSACK) is proposed to solve the "gap" problem in TCP receiver's window caused by high packet loss rate and link re-establishment of mobile Ad Hoc networks. 文中还提出了一种改进的选择性应答算法(SSACK),以解决移动adhoc网络中由于高丢包率和路由重建引起的TCP接收窗的“缺口(gap)”问题。
Packet delay in radio link protocol layer is the critical part of session setup delay. 分组的RLP(无线链路协议)传送延时是连接建立延时的一个重要组成部分。
As a result, the average packet delay and link utilization are both improved. 结果表明该方法在平均包延时和线路利用率上比均衡延时方法都有所改善。
On the other hand, it needs high quality of message channel with low data packet loss rate on transmission link. 但是IPHC包头压缩方案对信道要求比较高,它要求传输链路的数据包丢失率要比较低。
In the end, by measuring and analyzing packet reordering of the link in CERNET, we preliminarily summarize the behavior characteristics of packet reordering. 最后,本文通过在中国教育和科研网选取的链路进行实际测量分析,使用该指标对所测链路的包乱序行为进行了评价,并初步总结了包乱序的行为特征。
A Novel Rate Control Based Packet Data Transmission Scheme for Reverse Link 一种基于速率控制的反向链路分组数据新传输方案
The model includes packet scheduler, channel distributor and link status feedback control mechanism. 模型引入了分组调度器、通道分配器及链路状态反馈控制机制。
In wireline networks, fair queueing has long been a popular paradigm for providing fairness and bounded delay link access among packet flows over a shared unidirectional link. 在有线网络中,流体公平排队一直是为数据流间提供界定延迟的信道接入和分离的通用范例,能提供对积压数据流的长期公平和短期公平。
Active queue management is an important mechanism of IP congestion control. As a kind of typical active queue management algorithm, BLUE uses packet loss and link idle events to manage congestion, but its performance is still unstable. 主动队列管理是IP拥塞控制的一种重要机制,BLUE算法作为一种典型的主动队列管理算法,使用丢包和连接空闲事件来控制拥塞,但是其性能还不稳定。
It uses packet loss and link utilization history to indicate the congestion, and not relies on average queue length as an estimator of congestion. 它不是使用平均队列长度指示缓冲区拥塞状态,而是使用数据报丢弃的频率和队列空闲程度来管理网络拥塞。
This scheme is able to allocate bandwidth to streams proportional to their weights in short time scale. Besides, it takes the compensation for wireless packet collisions and wireless link error into consideration. 该机制可为流在较短时间尺度上按权值分配带宽,并考虑了无线分组间的碰撞和无线链路误码的补偿策略。
Blue is a popular AQM algorithm. It uses packet loss and link idle events to manage congestion. Blue是一种常用的AQM算法,它使用丢包事件和链路空闲事件来管理拥塞。
To run TCP/ IP protocol stack over serial links, the paper imports the concept of SLIP which can encapsulate standard IP packet over serial link. Meanwhile, the paper also points out several limitations of the SLIP. 为了可以在串行线路上运行TCP/IP协议栈,又介绍了针对串行线路的具有IP分组的标准封装格式的SLIP协议,除了介绍SLIP协议的数据帧格式之外,还指出了SLIP协议的缺陷。
The main design objectives of RED are to eliminate unnecessary packet loss, increase link utilization and decrease queuing delays. 随机早期检测的主要设计目标是消除不必要的分组丢弃,提高链路利用率并减少排队延迟。
The performance evaluation and comprehensive analysis of the algorithm are conducted using three performance parameters: average end-to-end throughput, average end-to-end delay and packet loss rate in link failure situation. 仿真过程中选取平均端到端吞吐量、平均端到端时延以及链路失效时的丢包率这三个性能参数对算法进行性能评估与综合分析。
When using unicast to realize the single-source multi-receivers service, each data packet may traverse the same link multiple times, and this decreases the data transferring efficiency. 当采用IP单播传输技术来实现单源、多接收者服务时,存在着相同数据包在同一网络链路中多次重复传输的问题,传输效率较低。
From the simulation results we know, using LAUC-VF-BS can effectively reduce packet loss rate and improve link utilization, it can improve network performance to a certain extent. 仿真结果显示,利用LAUC-VF-BS可以有效的降低网络的分组丢失率,提高链路利用率,能够在一定程度上改善网络的性能。
To analyze the performance of the program, we establish a simulation platform, give the main implementation process and have a simulation from two aspects of packet loss rate 、 link utilization. 为了证明该方案的可行性,建立了仿真平台,给出了仿真平台中各部分的主要实现过程,并从分组丢失率、链路利用率两个方面对其进行了仿真分析。
The optical network on chip based on packet switching has a higher link utilization than that use circuit switching. 而基于分组交换的片上光网络也比基于电路交换的片上网络具有更高的链路利用率。
Through using the control overhead in the routing protocol and data transmission process cleverly, the packet collision probability and link rate is estimated, which reduces a large number of additional controls overhead. 通过巧妙利用路由协议以及数据传输过程中的控制开销,完成封包冲突概率和链路速率的获取,减少大量额外控制开销的引入。
Packet loss rate tomography technology infers link packet loss rate by measuring the end-to-end path packet loss rate. 用于丢包率分析的网络层析成像技术是通过测量端到端路径丢包率来推理链路丢包率。